We could not find that email in our system.
Please check for typos, or try a different email address.
Change Blackboard Password
You can update your email address and/or password used in both Enrole and Blackboard through the following steps:
- Sign in to your profile by visiting: https://www.enrole.com/kupce/jsp/login.jsp
- Enter your email and password. If you cannot remember your password, you can use the "Forgot your password?" option to change it.
- Once logged into Enrole (the registration system), click on "My Profile" in left-hand navigation.
- If you need to change your email address (must be unique to the Enrole system):
i. Edit Email Address and Verify Email Address fields with your new email address and click "Save Changes".
- To update your password:
- Click on "Change Your Password" link at the bottom of the page.
- You MUST change your password by at least one character.
- Enter your new password twice and click "Save Changes". This will sync your password to both systems.